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Web Services
Creating ABL Clients to Consume OpenEdge SOAP Web Services : Connecting to OpenEdge SOAP Web Services from ABL : Managing Web service bindings : Accessing multiple port types
Accessing multiple port types
If your client makes use of multiple port types from one or more Web services, you can either reuse a single server object or create multiple server objects. The first option limits the resources tied up in server objects. The second option enables you to access multiple port types simultaneously. You must decide which approach best suits your needs.
To reuse a server object to access a different port type, you must first disconnect the server object from its current binding.
To access a different port type in a bound Web service using the same server object handle:
1. Delete the procedure object mapped to the current port type, using the DELETE PROCEDURE or DELETE OBJECT statement.
2. Unbind (logically disconnect) the server object handle from its current Web service binding using the DISCONNECT( ) method.
3. Using the CONNECT( ) method on the same server object handle, bind the server object to the Web service using a binding that supports the next port type.
4. Create and map a new procedure object to the next port type, using the RUN statement with the same server object handle, and, if you want, setting the same procedure object handle used to map the previous port type.
You can repeat this procedure for each port type you need to access in the same Web service, or you can map all of the Web service port types at one time using multiple server object and procedure object handles.