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OpenEdge Development: Translation Manager
Incorporating a Translated Kit into the Project : Receiving the kit from the translator
Receiving the kit from the translator
When you receive a translated kit from the translator it contains only the kit database. It does not include the resource procedures or the environment (.ini) file that you sent with the kit.
To unzip a translated kit database into the project directory:
1. Make sure your working directory and PROPATH are the same as when you created the kit zip file.
2. In the Kits tab folder, choose Install Zip file. The Install Zip File dialog box appears:
3. Activate the Overwrite existing Files toggle box if you want to overwrite an existing kit database that has the same name as the kit database you are installing.
4. Enter the pathname for the file that contains the translated kit, then choose OK.
The Translation Manager unzips the zip file into the project directory.