Before you send the kit, you can perform a pretranslation on the text phrases. Pretranslation is a task that matches each text phrase with the first possible glossary entry. Translation Manager translates all text phrases at once. This task allows you to review and edit suggested translations before you send the kit to the translators. The translator can also perform pretranslation before starting the manual translation process. To facilitate the review process, you can generate a hardcopy of the Translation Manager PreTranslation exceptions report or print the information to a text file.
You can generate a Translation Manager PreTranslation exceptions report that provides you with the following information about each string within a procedure file:
Untranslated source strings.
Translated strings with no glossary match.
Translated strings that have more than one possible translation.
The Translation Manager PreTranslation exceptions report also provides the following summary information, by procedure and by project:
The total number of translation strings.
The number of new translation strings.
The number of new translation strings that have more than one possible translation.
2. Select one of these options for pretranslating phrases:
Translate case‑sensitive matches — The Translation Manager translates only the text phrases that match a glossary entry exactly. For example, the Translation Manager will not translate “Customer Name” if the glossary entry is “customer name.” Although the text phrase is the same, the case does not match the glossary entry.
Use case‑insensitive match if necessary — The Translation Manager searches for an exact match with a glossary entry first. If there is no glossary entry that matches the text phrase exactly, the Translation Manager searches for a match regardless of case. You should select this button if you do not want leading and trailing blanks ignored.
Use case‑insensitive match and trim phrase if necessary — The Translation Manager first searches for exact matches with glossary entries, then it searches for a match regardless of case. Finally, it ignores leading and trailing blanks by trimming them from the phrase before looking for a match.
3. Activate the Exceptions Report toggle box if you want a hard‑copy report (or to save the information to a text file).
4. Select your print options. If you select the Output To Printer radio‑set button, you do not need to enter a filename. The default filename is pretrans.log. If you select the Output to A Text File radio‑set button, you must either enter a filename or use the default filename, pretrans.log.
Note: The pretranslation process does not place the accelerator key symbol (&) on the target string. As the project manager, you must decide what the accelerator key will be for the translated phrase and convey that information to the translators.
5. Choose OK. A Translation Manager PreTranslation report similar to the one shown below prints:
Translation Manager PreTranslation Report Page 1
Project: GetStart1 02/21/97 10:32 pm
Procedure: TMsource\b-cuslkp.w City Untranslated Country Untranslated Current record has been changed. Untranslated Name Untranslated Search On Customer Name Untranslated State Untranslated You must complete or cancel the update before leaving t... Untranslated c:\progress\TMsource\b-cuslkp.w should only be RUN PERS... Untranslated on-top Untranslated SUMMARY: 10 Strings Total 100 %