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OpenEdge Development: Translation Manager
Preparing a Kit : Building a kit
Building a kit
These steps assume you have already filtered, extracted, and loaded text phrases, generated resource procedures, and created a glossary (even if the glossary is empty) for the project.
To build a kit:
1. From the Kits tab folder, choose Add. The Add Kit dialog box appears:
2. Type a name for the kit. When naming the kit be aware that:
*You can only use a maximum of eleven characters for the kit name. Translation Manager uses the first eight characters for the name of the kit database. The combined total number of characters for the directory name, the kit name, and the translation string cannot exceed 100 characters.
*Use the convention of starting all the names of your kits with the letter “k.” If you use this convention, you will later find it easier to distinguish between a kit and a project database.
*The kit name does not have to be language specific. For example, you could use “k-engfr” to name a kit.
*You cannot use spaces in the kit name.
3. Select the glossary you want to put into the kit.
4. Select the language of the glossary. This is the source language in which the glossary was created.
5. Select a source language for the kit. This is the language the translator will translate from. By default, the source language is unnamed.
6. Choose OK. The Translation Manager displays the kit’s information in the Kits tab folder.