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OpenEdge Development: Translation Manager
This chapter answers common questions about the Translation Manager tool and describes solutions to common problems.
Why can’t I start the Translation Manager?
You must install a copy of Progress Version 9 that includes the Translation Manager tool before you can start the tool. See OpenEdge Getting Started: Installation and Configuration for information on system requirements and how to install OpenEdge.
Why do I receive error messages when I try to extract text phrases?
Before you extract text phrases, you must connect to the databases that the source procedures typically use and make sure they are connected with the proper logical names. Also, make sure the PROPATH includes the source procedures and their associated include (.i) files.
Why do I receive a “cannot find a file” error message?
You probably do not have your PROPATH set properly. See Chapter 3, “Getting Started,” for information about setting your PROPATH.
Why do I receive an “open database table is full” error message when creating a kit?
By default, the tool allows you to open five databases simultaneously. If you are creating more than three kit databases, or you have many application databases connected, you might receive an error indicating that the open database table is full (three kit databases, one project database, and one application). To open more than five databases, exit OpenEdge. Then, when you restart OpenEdge, specify the Number of Databases (-h) startup parameter with a value greater than five.
How do I include the text phrases in SmartObjects?
If the application you want to translate contains SmartObjects and you want to translate the text phrases in the SmartObjects, you must include the source code for those SmartObjects in the project’s list of procedures. The source code for SmartObjects is located in $DLC\gui\adm\objects. For more information on selecting source procedures for a project, see Chapter 4, “Managing Projects.”
Why can’t the tool display resource procedures?
Before you generate resource procedures, you must connect to the databases that the source procedures typically use. Also, make sure the databases are connected with the proper logical names. Make sure that the PROPATH is set up correctly.
Why does the Visual Translator tool display the text phrases in an undesired font in the resource procedures?
If you do not enter an environment (.ini) filename or you enter the wrong .ini filename, the translator can view resource procedures, but the Visual Translator displays the resource procedures with the wrong font and color mapping, thereby giving the wrong feedback to the translator. For example, if the Visual Translator cannot find the proper font file, it will use the default 10‑point font for a window, no matter what the font should be.
How do I avoid common errors and warnings in the Compiler’s log file?
To avoid warnings in the compile log file about text phrases that exceed the allocated length, you can increase the percentage of the Growth Table field in the Compile dialog box and repeat the compile.
To avoid errors about fill‑in fields that do not fit in frames, you can talk with the application developer who probably needs to change the source code or talk to the translator about using an abbreviation for the translation. You must fix these errors before you can run the compiled code.
Why do I receive error messages at run time?
If you have any error about fill‑in fields that do not fit in frames, check your compile log file. You should talk with the application developer who probably needs to change the source code. You must fix these errors before you can run the compiled code.