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ABL Reference
Handle Attributes and Methods Reference : SET-BUFFERS( ) method

SET-BUFFERS( ) method

Binds all buffers for a query or dynamic ProDataSet object at the same time. Any buffers previously added to the ProDataSet object are removed.
Use the ADD-BUFFER( ) method to add one buffer to the object, without affecting the other buffers, if any.
Return type: LOGICAL
Applies to: ProDataSet object handle, Query object handle


SET-BUFFERS ( buffer [ , buffer ] ... )
A handle to a buffer, or a CHARACTER expression that evaluates to the name of a buffer that the AVM searches for at run time.
The maximum number of buffers per query is 18.
Note: Searching for a buffer using a handle is more efficient than a character expression. The AVM resolves a character expression at run time by searching in the current routine for a static buffer with that name. If not found, the AVM searches the enclosing main procedure. If still not found, the AVM searches up through the calling programs of the current routine, and their main procedures. Since a handle uniquely identifies the buffer, no such search is required.
Following is an example:
my-query-handle:SET-BUFFERS(BUFFER customer:handle).