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ABL Reference
Handle Attributes and Methods Reference : PUBLISHED-EVENTS attribute


A comma-separated list of ABL named events published by a particular procedure. Returns the empty string for a Web service procedure.
Note: ABL named events are completely different from the key function, mouse, widget, and direct manipulation events described in the Handle-based Object Events Reference. They are also different from the class events described in the ClassEvents Reference. For more information on ABL named events, see OpenEdge Development: ABL Handbook.
Data type: CHARACTER
Access: Read-only
Applies to: Procedure object handle, SOURCE-PROCEDURE system handle, TARGET-PROCEDURE system handle, THIS-PROCEDURE system handle
ABL builds PUBLISHED-EVENT lists as the compiler encounters PUBLISH statements-specifically, PUBLISH statements that specify the event name as a quoted string and not as a CHARACTER variable expression, and that do not use the FROM option.
Note: PUBLISHED-EVENTS lists do not contain signatures of their named events. ABL assumes that the subscriber to a named event knows its signature.