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ABL Reference
Class, Interface, and Enumeration Reference : Progress.Lang.SoapFaultError class

Progress.Lang.SoapFaultError class

Represents an ABL Soap fault response message generated by the AVM during a Web Service call from an ABL application.
In traditional error handling, Soap fault information is available from the ERROR-OBJECT-DETAIL property of the ERROR-STATUS handle after a Web Service call is invoked with the NO-ERROR option.
In structured error handling, you can access the same information using a CATCH statement for the Progress.Lang.SoapFaultError object. The SoapFault property in this object contains the handle to the Soap-Fault object. The Soap-Fault-Detail property of the handle provides the full detail about the Soap fault.
SoapFaultError is a type of system error, and therefore you cannot instantiate the object with the NEW function (classes) or create a user-defined class that inherits from it.


This class is FINAL and cannot be inherited.




The class constructors are reserved for system use only.

Super Class

Progress.Lang.SysError class


This class does not implement interfaces (beyond those it inherits from its base class).

Public Properties

Public Methods

This class does not contain methods.

Public Events

This class does not contain events (beyond those it inherits from its base class).


*SoapFaultError objects are put on the SESSION:FIRST-OBJECT chain when they are caught by a CATCH block.
*Uncaught SoapFaultError objects are automatically deleted by the AVM and removed from the SESSION:FIRST-OBJECT chain.
*Like other error objects, an error of type SoapFaultError can be thrown from an AppServer and handled by a CATCH block on an ABL client. However, the handle-based object that the SoapFault property points to is not recreated during the deserialization of the SoapFaultError object. For more information on serialization rules for objects, see the Parameter passing syntax entry.

See also

CATCH statement, Progress.Lang.SysError class