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ABL Reference
Handle Attributes and Methods Reference : FIND-LAST( ) method

FIND-LAST( ) method

Gets a single record. This method lets a user get the last record that satisfies the predicate expression.
Return type: LOGICAL
Applies to: Buffer object handle


FIND-LAST ( predicate-expression[ , lockmode[ , waitmode]] )
A character expression that evaluates to the following syntax:
[ WHERE [ logical-expression ]][ USE-INDEX index-name]
Once evaluated, predicate-expression can contain only constants and unabbreviated references to fields from the buffer.
The predicate-expression itself can be built using a concatenation of character expressions.
An integer expression evaluating to one of the following constants: SHARE-LOCK, EXCLUSIVE-LOCK, or NO-LOCK. You can assign any of these constants to an integer variable. For example, mylock = NO-LOCK.
The default is SHARE-LOCK.
An integer expression evaluating to one of the following: NO-WAIT, 0, or the Unknown value (?). You can assign NO-WAIT to an integer variable. For example, mywait = NO-WAIT. The default is to wait.
The following shows some examples of the FIND-LAST method:

bh = BUFFER Customer:HANDLE.

bh:FIND-LAST("WHERE Customer.Balance > 0 use-index name").

bh:FIND-LAST("WHERE Customer.CustNum > 5 AND Customer.Address < 'z'").
If FIND-LAST succeeds, it returns TRUE, otherwise it returns FALSE.
If FIND-LAST fails, it does not raise an error but displays an error message. You can suppress the message using NO-ERROR on the statement containing the method.

See also

FIND-CURRENT( ) method, FIND-FIRST( ) method, FIND-UNIQUE( ) method, FIND statement