ENABLE-CONNECTIONS ( connection-parms )
-S socket-port
The TCP/IP port number that the AVM should listen to and accept connections on. You can specify either an explicit port number or a TCP service name. If you use a TCP service name, the method uses the port number associated with that name in the TCP/IP services file.
-pf filename
Optional. A text file containing any of the socket connection parameters described in this table. If this file contains any other OpenEdge startup parameters, this method ignores them.
-qsize backlog
Optional. The length of the pending-connection queue—that is, the maximum number of connection requests you want the server to queue while it processes the connections already accepted. If the queue is full when a connection request is received, it is refused.The default length of the queue depends on the platform.
Note: On some platforms, the value you supply for backlog is modified by addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, or some combination of these, and it is this modified value that becomes the maximum length of the queue. For more information, see the documentation for your platform.
If specified, the connection is SSL-based.
Note: Be sure you need SSL before using this option. SSL incurs more or less heavy performance penalties, depending on resources and load.
-keyalias aliasname
Sets the alias name of the Public[/Private] key and digital certificate to use within the keystore. If not specified, the default default_server key alias is used.
-keyaliaspasswd encpwd
Sets the password to use in accessing the Public[/Private] key and digital certificate. Always specify a -keyaliaspassword when the -keyalias option is used. The default password only exists when using the default_server server certificate.
If specified, caching for the SSL client session is disabled.
-sessiontimeout seconds
The maximum amount of time, in seconds, that the server waits before it rejects a SSL client's request to resume a session. The default value is 180 seconds.