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Programming Interfaces
Data Management : Auditing : Setting up application security for auditing : Asserting the auditing identity : Using the database connection ID
Using the database connection ID
When you configure auditing to use the database connection ID (the default), you enable each audit-enabled database to use a different auditing ID that is potentially authenticated to a different authentication system. You can use all of the following ABL elements to assert the database connection ID as the auditing ID:
1. User ID (-U) and Password (-P) startup and connection parameters (at client startup or in the CONNECT statement), which authenticate and assert a connection ID from the database _User table
2. SETUSERID function, which authenticates and asserts a connection ID to a connected database from the database _User table
3. SET-DB-CLIENT statement, which asserts a user ID that is authenticated to a trusted domain registry (database- or application-defined, depending on your configuration) and asserts that ID as the connection ID for a specified connected database using a sealed client-principal object
4. SECURITY-POLICY:SET-CLIENT( ) method, which asserts a user ID that is authenticated to a trusted domain registry (database- or application-defined, depending on your configuration) and asserts that ID as the connection ID for all connected databases that do not already have an explicitly set database connection ID using a sealed client-principal object
If you set the database connection ID with one of the first three elements, using the SET-CLIENT( ) method has no effect on this setting. Whatever way you set the database connection ID, the act of doing so generates an appropriate audit event (if auditing is enabled), and the resulting database connection ID, for each database where auditing is enabled, becomes the auditing ID.
The configured auditing identity, itself, has no effect on database authorization. OpenEdge authorizes all run-time CAN* permissions and auditing privileges on a database, as well as database connections, using the database connection ID. So, when you take the default and specify the database connection ID as the auditing ID, it happens that the same user ID used to authorize database access is also associated with the audit event records generated in a given audit-enabled database.
Note: CAN* permissions refer to the permissions for modifying tables and fields that you can set for each user in the OpenEdge Data Administration tool or character-mode Data Dictionary. Auditing privileges refer to permissions to perform auditing operations. For more information on CAN* permissions settings, see OpenEdge Deployment: Managing ABL Applications and ApplicationSecurity . For more information on auditing privileges, see Configuringauditing privileges.