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Programming Interfaces
External Program Interfaces : Introduction to External Program Interfaces : Using MEMPTR to reference external data : Retrieving and storing pointers
Retrieving and storing pointers
In some cases (especially for shared library routines), you might have to obtain a pointer to the memory region associated with a MEMPTR variable. You might need this value, for example, to build a structure that contains a pointer to another structure. You can get a pointer to a MEMPTR region by using the GET-POINTER-VALUE function. This is the syntax for the GET-POINTER-VALUE function:


GET-POINTER-VALUE ( memptr-name )
For example, to retrieve the pointer to a memory region specified by a MEMPTR variable (BitMapInfo) and store it in the first byte position of another MEMPTR variable (BitMaps), you can use the following statement (assuming 32-bit pointers):
You can also store the address of a memory item into a MEMPTR variable by using the SET-POINTER-VALUE statement. Here is the syntax:


SET-POINTER-VALUE ( memptr-name ) = address
For example, to store an address located at the second byte of a MEMPTR variable (BitMaps) into another MEMPTR variable (BitMapInfo), you can use the following statement:
For more information on the GET-POINTER-VALUE function and the SET-POINTER-VALUE statement, see OpenEdge Development: ABL Reference.