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Programming Interfaces
HLC Library Function Reference : Function reference : prowait( ) - Wait For Timer To Expire

prowait( ) - Wait For Timer To Expire

The prowait( ) function causes your application to suspend execution until a specified interval timer, set by the proevt( ) function, expires. Use prowait( ) only in special circumstances; signals and interrupts do not interrupt this function:


prowait ( pflag )
char *pflag;
This input parameter points to a timer flag previously passed to proevt( ) in order to start the specified time interval. This flag specifies one of many interval timers you can set with proevt( ).
Note: This function applies only to UNIX systems. For more information on using interval timers, see HostLanguage Call Interface.
See Also:
prockint( ) - Test for Interrupt Key, procncel( ) - Cancel Interval Timer, proevt( ) - Set Interval Timer, prosleep( ) - Sleep For Specified Interval