A RAW value used together with a simple password to generate a more random and unique password-based encryption (PBE) key (default: none). For any value that you set, only the first 8 bytes are used, and values with fewer than 8 bytes are padded with zeroes.
Note: Typically, you never need to set this value, and then only if the security specification for your application requires it.
A CHARACTER value that specifies the hashing algorithm to use for generating a PBE key, which you can specify as "MD5" or "SHA-1" (default: "SHA-1").
Note: Typically, you never need to set this value, and then only if the security specification for your application requires it.
A positive INTEGER value that specifies the number of algorithm iterations to use for PBE key generation (default: 1000).
Note: Extremely large values for this setting can significantly degrade performance. Typically, you never need to set this value, and then only if the security specification for your application requires it.
A CHARACTER value that specifies a supported algorithm, mode, and key size used by the ABL symmetric encryption and decryption facilities. It must be one of the comma-separated values from the SYMMETRIC-SUPPORT attribute (default: "AES_CBC_128").
A write-only RAW value that specifies the symmetric key to use for encryption and decryption (default: none).
A RAW value used together with the symmetric encryption key to provide a more random data encryption (default: none).
Note: Typically, you never need to set this value, and then only if the security specification for your application requires it.
A read-only CHARACTER value that contains a comma-separated list of supported values for the SYMMETRIC-ENCRYPTION-ALGORITHM attribute setting.