/* r-syshlpchm.p *
/DEFINE VARIABLE helpfile AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEFINE BUTTON b_context LABEL "CONTEXT Call". DEFINE BUTTON b_blank LABEL "KEY Call-''". DEFINE BUTTON b_single LABEL "KEY Call-'Tools'". DEFINE BUTTON b_full LABEL "KEY Call- Tools;Menu". DEFINE BUTTON b_max LABEL "POSITION MAXIMIZE Call". DEFINE BUTTON b_pos LABEL "POSITION Call". DEFINE BUTTON b_alt LABEL "ALTERNATE-KEY Call". DEFINE BUTTON b_quit LABEL "QUIT Call". FORM SKIP(1) SPACE(1) b_context SPACE(1) SKIP(1) SPACE(1) b_blank SPACE(1) SKIP(1) SPACE(1) b_single SPACE(1) SKIP(1) SPACE(1) b_full SPACE(1) SKIP(1) SPACE(1) b_max SPACE(1) SKIP(1) SPACE(1) b_pos SPACE(1) SKIP(1) SPACE(1) b_alt SPACE(1) SKIP(1) SPACE(1) b_quit SPACE(1) SKIP(1) WITH FRAME x. ENABLE ALL WITH FRAME x. helpfile = "editeng.chm". /* The CONTEXT call displays the help topic associated with the specified context number of a help topic (in this case, 49256, for the Using Editor Buffers topic). */ ON CHOOSE OF b_context IN FRAME x DO: SYSTEM-HELP helpfile CONTEXT 49256. END. /* The KEY call brings up the topic matching the string found in the keyword index. If the string parameter is empty or is omitted altogether, the help viewer displays with the Index tab on top.*/ ON CHOOSE OF b_blank IN FRAME x DO: SYSTEM-HELP helpfile KEY "". END. /* In a KEY call where the string parameter does not exactly match an index keyword of any help topic, the fill-in at the top of the Index tab is populated with the string that is passed in, and the default help topic is displayed. */ ON CHOOSE OF b_single IN FRAME x DO: SYSTEM-HELP helpfile KEY "Tools". END. /* In a KEY call where the string parameter exactly matches a unique index keyword of a help topic, the help engine automatically launches a help viewer window and displays the matching topic. Use semicolons to delimit multiple keywords.*/ ON CHOOSE OF b_full IN FRAME x DO: SYSTEM-HELP helpfile KEY "Tools;Menu". END. /* In an ALTERNATE-KEY call works like the KEY call but it uses the alternate keyword (Alink) index, if one is provided. */ ON CHOOSE OF b_alt IN FRAME x DO: SYSTEM-HELP helpfile ALTERNATE-KEY "Tools Menu". END. /* The POSITION X x Y y WIDTH dx HEIGHT dy call positions the open help window as specified */ ON CHOOSE OF b_pos IN FRAME x DO: SYSTEM-HELP helpfile POSITION X 2 Y 2 WIDTH 450 HEIGHT 450. END. /* The POSITION MAXIMIZE call maximizes the open help window as specified */ ON CHOOSE OF b_max IN FRAME x DO: SYSTEM-HELP helpfile POSITION MAXIMIZE. END. /* The QUIT call causes the help engine to terminate, unless another application is using help. */ ON CHOOSE OF b_quit IN FRAME x DO: SYSTEM-HELP helpfile QUIT. RETURN. END. WAIT-FOR GO OF FRAME x. |