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Object-oriented Programming
Getting Started with Classes, Interfaces, and Objects : Class definition files and object type names : Defining and referencing object type names : How object type names are used to locate type definitions on PROPATH
How object type names are used to locate type definitions on PROPATH
The examples in the following table show several object type names and where the corresponding class files must be located for the specified type names to be valid.
Table 2. Object type names and PROPATH
The file that defines the following object type name . . .
Must be found in . . .
A directory in PROPATH
The accounting subdirectory relative to PROPATH
"Program Files.MyApp.Objects.Customer"
The "Program Files\MyApp\Objects" subdirectory relative to PROPATH
These files must be able to be located on PROPATH at both compile time and run time. However, the value of PROPATH can change between compile time and run time.