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.NET Open Clients
Proxy Objects and Methods : Sample proxy : Sample ProcObject

Sample ProcObject

The following methods comprise the definition of a sample .NET ProcObject, AccountInfo:
*Remote ABL methods to run the internal procedures getPaymentsInfo, setDirectDeposit, and getDirectDeposit (defined in AccountInfo.p) on the AppServer:
public void getPaymentsInfo(System.DateTime fromDate,
                            System.Data.DataTable payeeList,
                            int paymentsNum,
                            System.Data.DataTable paymentsInfo)

public void setDirectDeposit(System.Data.DataTable ddData)

public void getDirectDeposit(System.Data.DataTable ddData)
If AccountInfo.p were to be run as single-run or singleton, then its input parameter accountNumwould have to removed from the main block and instead be passed directly to its internal procedures or user-defined functions. In that case, the internal procedure methods might look like the following:
public void getPaymentsInfo(int accountNum,
                            System.DateTime fromDate,
                            System.Data.DataTable payeeList,
                            int paymentsNum,
                            System.Data.DataTable paymentsInfo)

public void setDirectDeposit(int accountNum,
                             System.Data.DataTable ddData)

public void getDirectDeposit(int accountNum,
                             System.Data.DataTable ddData)
*The ProcedureType property
*Common methods in all .NET proxy objects.