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.NET Open Clients
Using the Open Client .NET OpenAPI to Directly Access the AppServer : Running procedures and user-defined functions : Running a persistent procedure (OpenProcObject) on an OpenAppObject

Running a persistent procedure (OpenProcObject) on an OpenAppObject

Once you create your Progress.Open4GL.Proxy.OpenAppObject instance, you can run any persistent procedure on the connected AppServer using the following method on the OpenAppObject:


public OpenProcObject CreatePO(string procName, ParamArray paramArray)
Specifies the name of the procedure to run, including any path relative to the PROPATH setting for the AppServer.
Specifies a Progress.Open4GL.Proxy.ParamArray object that holds the procedure parameters. For more information, see Settingup a parameter array. A procedure with no parameters in the main block can also be run as persistent using an alternative syntax (see Running a single-run or singleton procedure (OpenProcObject)on an OpenAppObject), or the null value can be passed through paramArray.
This method returns a Progress.Open4GL.Proxy.OpenProcObject, which you will use to run internal procedures and user-defined functions provided by the persistent procedure.