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.NET Open Clients
Passing Parameters : ProDataTable class methods

ProDataTable class methods

The Open Client toolkit provides a Progress.Open4GL.ProDataTable utility class that you can use to extend the standard functionality available in the ADO.NET System.Data.DataTable class. These extensions complete features that allow any DataTable object to fully map an ABL temp-table. You can add these extensions to any DataTable using ProDataTable class (static) methods. These methods associate extended property name/value pairs with a specified ADO.NET DataTable object. These extended properties map meaningful functionality in a .NET environment that is available in ABL temp-tables but is not otherwise supported by the ADO.NET System.Data.DataTable class. You can use these methods to get or set the specified property values for both DataTable instances that you create and strongly-typed DataTable instances generated by ProxyGen.
The syntax for the methods available on this class are given in the following sections.
* Array methods
* Before-image methods
* Column-related (buffer-field) methods
* Error handling methods
* Data source related methods
* Schema marshaling methods
* Transaction methods