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.NET Open Clients
Proxy Objects and Methods : Proxy objects : Namespace for proxy objects

Namespace for proxy objects

All .NET Open Client proxy objects can be defined within a namespace specified using the General field of the Namespaces group in the .NET Client Details of the Generate Proxies dialog box. A namespace is an organizational unit for classes or types. All Open Client proxy objects are defined in the specified namespace. If no namespace is specified, the objects are defined in the global namespace. Progress Software Corporation recommends that you specify a namespace, to help ensure the uniqueness of your proxy objects.
For example, if the namespace specified in ProxyGen is Acme, and an AppObject named Account is defined, ProxyGen generates the following .NET class:
The namespace for strongly typed proxy classes for ADO.NET DataTables and DataSets is, by default, is defined by appending StrongTypesNS to the specified General namespace. For example, if a static temp-table named OrderTT is defined in a procedure added to the Account AppObject, ProxyGen generates the following .NET class for the temp-table:
Note that the StrongTypesNS namespace is prepended with the Acme namespace specified using the General field, resulting in the namespace Acme.StrongTypesNS.
You can also define your own namespace for strongly typed DataTable and DataSet classes using the DataSet field of the Namespaces group in .NET Client Details. By deselecting the Use Default option, you can enter your own value in DataSet that ProxyGen appends to the specified General namespace.