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.NET Open Clients
Passing Parameters : Passing TABLE and TABLE-HANDLE parameters : Indexes for temp-tables

Indexes for temp-tables

In ABL, you can define indexes for temp-tables, one of which can be marked as the primary index. An index can consist of one of more fields in the temp-table.
.NET DataTables can only represent unique indexes (unique primary indexes and unique non-primary indexes).
If an ABL procedure has a temp-table parameter or a ProDataSet parameter (which contains temp-tables) and a temp-table has one or more unique indexes, the resulting .NET DataTable has a UniqueConstraint object for each index. For the primary index, its corresponding UniqueConstraint.PrimaryKey property is set to true. All other non-unique indexes are ignored because there is no corresponding .NET constraint to which they can be mapped.
For more information on .NET DataTable constraints, see the Microsoft .NET documentation.