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.NET Open Clients
Using the Open Client .NET OpenAPI to Directly Access the AppServer : Setting up parameters and return types : Adding parameters using data type-specific methods : General syntax for add parameter methods
General syntax for add parameter methods
The general syntax of these methods is as follows:
Table 30. Syntax
public void AddProgressType(int position, DataTypevalue, int mode,
                         [ int extentValue| MetaType metaData])
            throws Open4GLException
Indicates the ABL data type of the parameter, such as Decimal in AddDecimal( ), for adding a parameter of data type DECIMAL, or DecimalArray in AddDecimalArray( ), for adding a parameter of data type DECIMAL EXTENT.
Specifies a 0-based index indicating the parameter position.
Specifies the .NET data type of the parameter, for example, Decimal, Decimal?, Progress.Open4GL.DecimalHolder, Decimal[], Decimal?[], or Progress.Open4GL.DecimalHolder[]. In the syntax that follows, for any DataType not qualified by a namespace, System is assumed.
Specifies a variable that contains the value of the parameter, or null for an OUTPUT parameter.
Specifies the ABL mode (passing direction) of the parameter. This can be one of the following constant values:
Specifies the extent of an array for methods that add an array parameter (where ProgressType is appended with Array, as in AddDecimalArray( )).
Specifies one of the following classes for methods that add a temp-table or ProDataSet parameter:
*TempTableMetaData — Provides the schema information for temp-table parameters or temp-tables in a ProDataSet. For more information on defining this schema, see Defining the schema for a temp-table parameter.
*ProDataSetMetaData — Provides the schema information for ProDataSet parameters. For information on defining the schema for ProDataSet parameters, see Defining the schema for a ProDataSet parameter.
Specifies an instance of MetaType. When mode is ParamArrayMode.OUTPUT and ProgressType is DatasetHandle or TableHandle (passing a dynamic ProDataSet or temp-table parameter), you can set this parameter to null.