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.NET Open Clients
Using the Open Client .NET OpenAPI to Directly Access the AppServer : Setting up parameters and return types : Defining the schema for a temp-table parameter : Adding field descriptions to the TempTableMetaData object
Adding field descriptions to the TempTableMetaData object
Add the meta data for each field of the temp-table by calling the SetFieldMetaData( ) method on the TempTableMetaData object for each column in the temp-table:


public void SetFieldMetaData(int fieldNumber, string fieldName,
                             int extentValue, int proType,
                             int userOrder, int xmlMapping)
Specifies a 1-based position that corresponds to the position of a mapped field in an ABL temp-table.
Specifies a name that is typically identical to a mapped field in the corresponding ABL temp-table. The value cannot be null and must be unique among fields (column properties) in the specified ProDataObject type.
Specifies if and how the field represents an array field in the corresponding temp-table. The value must be 0 or greater. If the value is greater than 1, this column property is many-valued (represents an array field) and the value is its extent. If the property represents a BLOB or CLOB field, the value must be 0 or 1.
Specifies the value of a class constant defined in the Progress.Open4GL.Parameter class. The specified class constant indicates the ABL data type of the mapped temp-table field. For more information on these class constants, see the sections on specifying the ABL temp-table field data types for the ProDataTable class in Passing Parameters. To identify the Java data type that the column property assumes for the specified ABL data type, see the information on data type mapping for temp-table fields in Passing Parameters.
Specifies a 0-based user order position for the column property.
Reserved for future use. Always specify 0.