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Java Open Clients
Accessing ABL ProDataSets : ProDataSets and using ProDataGraphs to access them : ProDataSet structure and usage : Tracking changes
Tracking changes
A ProDataSet also provides a means to track changes to its initial data, using before-image versions of its temp-tables. This mechanism includes a means to identify and correlate these changes with other changes that may have occurred to its original data sources. Thus, the ProDataSet allows the application service to maintain a well-ordered business state that it can share with its clients and other services.
The rest of this chapter makes reference to specific ProDataSet syntax, as necessary to describe the operation and usage of the ProDataGraph class. For more information on the ABL ProDataSet and its syntax, see OpenEdge Development: ProDataSets.
Note: The function and capabilities of ProDataSets also closely mirror the function and capabilities of the Microsoft ADO .NET DataSets available for use by .NET Open Clients. For more information, see OpenEdge Development: .NET Open Clients.