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Using SmartDataObjects from Java Clients : Creating an SDOResultSet object : The _createSDOResultSet() method

The _createSDOResultSet() method

You can call one of three overloaded versions of _createSDOResultSet(), which supports different combinations of the four factory method parameters.
The following version uses the KEEP_ROWS scrolling mode and the default where and sort expressions:
public SDOResultSet _createSDOResultSet(String sdoName)
The following version uses the KEEP_ROWS scrolling mode:
public SDOResultSet _createSDOResultSet(String sdoName, String where,
   String sortBy)
The following version uses whatever scrolling mode is specified by parameters:
public SDOResultSet _createSDOResultSet(String sdoName, String where,
   String sortBy, SDOParameters parameters)
For more information, see Understanding SDOResultSet scrolling modes
The following parameters apply to _createSDOResultSet():
(Required) Specifies the filename of the SmartDataObject (custSDO.w, for example).
Allows the application to open a query with a where expression that is different than the default one specified when the SmartDataObject was created. For more information, see the description of the setQueryWhere method in OpenEdge Development: ADM Reference.
Allows the application to open a query with a sort expression that is different from the default one specified when the SmartDataObject was created. You can specify sortBy using one of the following syntax styles:
"[field|field ASCEND |field DESCEND
[ , {field|field ASCEND |field DESCEND }]...]"|"[field|field ASCEND |field DESCEND
[ BY {field|field ASCEND |field DESCEND }]...]"
*A valid database field referenced by the SmartDataObject. Specifying no fields ("") is equivalent to null. Examples include:
*"Name, City"
*"Name DESCEND, City, Zip"
*"Name BY City"
*"Name DESCEND BY City BY Zip"
For more information on specifying field, see the description of the setQuerySort method in OpenEdge Development: ADM and SmartObjects.
Used for passing any additional initial parameters to the ResultSet object, such as the scrolling mode. If parametersdoes not specify a scrolling mode, the default is used.