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Accessing ABL ProDataSets : ProDataRelationMetaData class : Methods : setColumns( )
setColumns( )
Specifies the column properties that are to participate in primary-foreign key relationships between the parent and child tables of this ProDataRelationMetaData object, as specified by the overloaded methods.


void setColumns(int parentColIdx, int childColIdx)
void setColumns(int[] parentColIdxs, int[] childColIdxs)
Specifies the 0-based index of a single column property in the parent ProDataObject type to use as the primary key.
Specifies the 0-based index of a single column property in the child ProDataObject type to use as the foreign key.
Specifies an array of 0-based indexes to column properties in the parent ProDataObject type to use as the primary key.
Specifies an array of 0-based indexes to column properties in the child ProDataObject type to use as the foreign key.


When specifying parentColIdxs and childColIdxs, the arrays must be the same length. For either overloading, the corresponding parent and child column properties must be comparable.