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Accessing ABL ProDataSets : ProDataGraph class : Extended methods : setChildTableReferences( )
setChildTableReferences( )
Populates (child) reference property lists for specified ProDataObject collections contained in this ProDataGraph, as specified by the overloaded methods.


void setChildTableReferences()
void setChildTableReferences(int tableIdx)
void setChildTableReferences(String tableName)
Specifies the 0-based index into the list of temp-table names returned by the getTableNames() method. (See getTableNames( ).) The specified temp-table (ProDataObject collection) corresponds to the parent table of a data-relation (ProDataRelationMetaData object) contained in the ProDataGraph.
Specifies the ABL name of a temp-table (ProDataObject collection) contained in the ProDataGraph. The specified ProDataObject collection corresponds to the parent table of a data-relation (ProDataRelationMetaData object) contained in the ProDataGraph.
If you do not specify tableIdx or tableName, the method populates the reference property lists for all ProDataObject collections involved as parent tables in data-relations contained in the ProDataGraph.
You only need to call this method when building a ProDataGraph object that contains data-relations, typically after adding one or more ProDataObject instances that participate in data-relations contained in the ProDataGraph. A reference property list is a list of references in a ProDataObject that point to other ProDataObject instances contained by a single ProDataObject collection that is a child table of the ProDataObject containing the references. This parent ProDataObject contains one reference property list for each ProDataRelationMetaData that the ProDataObject is involved in as a parent. For more information on the ProDataRelationMetaData class, see ProDataRelationMetaData class.