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Java Open Clients
Using the Open Client Java OpenAPI to Directly Access the AppServer : Running procedures and user-defined functions

Running procedures and user-defined functions

After connecting to an AppServer and creating a com.progress.open4gl.javaproxy.OpenAppObject, you can invoke application service code as follows:
1. Run any external non-persistent, persistent, single-run, or singleton procedure that is available on the OpenAppObject. (Running a persistent, single-run, or singleton procedure instantiates an OpenProcObject.)
2. Run any available internal procedure or user-defined function on an instantiated OpenProcObject.
Before running any procedure or user-defined function, you must set up any parameters and return types required by the procedure or user-defined function. For more information, see Settingup parameters. You can then pass the parameters to the procedure or user-defined function and manage them according to their modes (INPUT, INPUT-OUTPUT or OUTPUT). For more information, see Passing parameters.
After running any procedure or user-defined function, you must handle any output (returned values) or error conditions. For more information, see Handlingreturned values.
The following sections describe:
*Running a non-persistent procedure on an OpenAppObject
*Running a persistent procedure (OpenProcObject) on an OpenAppObject
*Running a single-run or singleton procedure (OpenProcObject) on an OpenAppObject
*Running an internal procedure or user-defined function onan OpenProcObject
For examples that show how to run application service code, see SampleJava OpenAPI code.
* Running a non-persistent procedure on an OpenAppObject
* Running a persistent procedure (OpenProcObject) on an OpenAppObject
* Running a single-run or singleton procedure (OpenProcObject) on an OpenAppObject
* Running an internal procedure or user-defined function on an OpenProcObject