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Java Open Clients
Using SmartDataObjects from Java Clients : SmartDataObject access tools and documentation : Developing and deploying a SmartDataObject-aware application

Developing and deploying a SmartDataObject-aware application

The procedure below will take you through the process of making your application SmartDataObject aware.
To develop and deploy Java applications that access SmartDataObjects:
1. Use the AppBuilder to create and compile a SmartDataObject.
2. Deploy the compiled SmartDataObject (the *.r file) on the AppServer side. (The compiled SmartDataObject must be on the PROPATH of the AppServer.)
3. Copy the ABL-compiled ADM2 (Application Development Model, Version 2) r-code files to a directory in the AppServer PROPATH. You can find these files in the OpenEdge-install-directory\gui\adm2 directory, wherever you have the OpenEdge AppBuilder installed. To complete this step, copy these files to your AppServer's OpenEdge-install-directory\tty\adm2\ directory.
4. Deploy the Open Client Runtime package on the client side. For more information, see Configuring and Deploying Java Open Client Applications.
5. If your Java application needs only SmartDataObject access—it does not access other remote ABL procedures—you are ready to write Java applications that access the SmartDataObject.
6. If your Java application needs to access ABL procedures other than SmartDataObjects, use ProxyGen to create the proxies and deploy them on the client side (see OpenEdge Development: Open Client Introduction and Programming). You do not have to map the SmartDataObject as a ProcObject, however; ProxyGen provides built-in access to SmartDataObjects in Java.
* Extending a SmartDataObject