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Java Open Clients
Passing Parameters : ABL data type mappings : Arrays as parameters

Arrays as parameters

ABL allows arrays (called EXTENTs in ABL) to be passed as parameters. In the Java client, they are mapped to arrays where the base type is one of the JAVA proxy data types listed in INPUT parameters. For example, an ABL CHARACTER array is mapped to java.lang.String[ ]. An ABL INT64 array is mapped to the intrinsic type long[].
The size of an array is not part of its definition in Java, so the EXTENT value is not reflected in the Java proxy's parameter definition. If the extent of the data passed by the client does not match the extent of the parameter declaration of the ABL procedure, the proxy returns an error to the client at runtime.
Note: Arrays defined with EXTENT 0 are treated as scalars (consistent with ABL). The proxy will contain a scalar for the parameter, and not an array.
ProxyGen indicates the EXTENT of the parameters (if any) in the comments of the proxy.
* Unknown value (?) as a parameter
* Arrays and Unknown value (?)