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Java Open Clients
Using the Open Client Java OpenAPI to Directly Access the AppServer : Setting up parameters : Defining the schema for temp-tables in a ProDataSet : Adding the ProDataObjectMetaData object to the ProDataGraphMetaData
Adding the ProDataObjectMetaData object to the ProDataGraphMetaData
Add the ProDataObjectMetaData object to the ProDataGraphMetaData using the following ProDataGraphMetaData object method:
public void addTable(ProDataObjectMetaData doMetaData)
Specifies the ProDataObjectMetaData for one temp-table in the ProDataSet parameter.
The following example adds a temp-table parameter defined with no indexes.

Example: OpenAPI fragment adding a temp-table parameter

// Create the ProDataObjectMetaData for the Customer table
ProDataObjectMetaData doCustMD = new ProDataObjectMetaData
                                 ("ttCust", 3, false, 0, null, null, null);
doCustMD.setFieldMetaData(1, "CustNum",  0, Parameter.PRO_INTEGER, 0, 0);
doCustMD.setFieldMetaData(2, "Name",     0, Parameter.PRO_CHARACTER, 1, 0);
doCustMD.setFieldMetaData(3, "SalesRep", 0, Parameter.PRO_CHARACTER, 2, 0);
// Add the table to the ProDataGraph meta data
For more information on the objects and methods for defining the schema (meta data) of temp-tables in a ProDataGraph, see AccessingABL ProDataSets.