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Java Open Clients
Passing Parameters : Passing temp-tables and ProDataSets : ABL mechanisms for passing temp-tables and ProDataSets

ABL mechanisms for passing temp-tables and ProDataSets

In ABL, you pass a static temp-table using a TABLE parameter and pass a static ProDataSet using a DATASET parameter. In the Java Open Client, you must ensure that the meta data for the proxy method parameter maps exactly to the schema of the corresponding static temp-table or ProDataSet passed in ABL.
In ABL, you pass a dynamic temp-table using a TABLE-HANDLE parameter and pass a dynamic ProDataSet using a DATASET-HANDLE parameter. In the Java Open Client or in ABL application service, there is no requirement to know the meta data or schema of the complex data that is passed. However, you must otherwise introspect the parameter meta data in the Java client and the parameter schema in the application service in order to access the data at either end.
Note: Of course, even for a dynamic data structure, if you know the meta data or schema of the corresponding parameter at the opposite end, the programming is much less complex.
Depending on the mechanisms you use to pass a temp-table or ProDataSet in ABL and the corresponding parameter in the Java Open Client, OpenEdge provides different options to optimize and manage the data transfer.