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Java Open Clients
Configuring and Deploying Java Open Client Applications : Preparing to generate proxies for a Java client on UNIX using Batch ProxyGen

Preparing to generate proxies for a Java client on UNIX using Batch ProxyGen

These are the system configuration steps you must perform before you can generate proxies with Batch ProxyGen on UNIX platforms:
1. Install OpenEdge Development Server or 4GL Development on a UNIX system where you plan to run Batch ProxyGen.
2. Make sure you have a JDK on your system, for ProxyGen to compile your Java proxies.
If you already installed an OpenEdge product that included a JDK, you do not need to perform this step.
3. Using ProxyGen in Windows, specify the compiler location and CLASSPATH, and save the ProxyGen project file (.xpxg). For more information, see OpenEdge Development: Open Client Introduction and Programming.
4. Copy the ProxyGen project file (.xpxg) to any directory.
5. Make sure the ABL r-code for the proxy is accessible to your system.
6. Make sure both the Propath syntax and the r-code paths relative to the Propath setting (defined in the project file) are valid on this system.
In the Propath on UNIX, Windows drive letters are ignored and back slashes (\) are automatically changed to forward slashes (/). You also can use dot (.) as a Propath component on UNIX.
7. Run Batch ProxyGen by executing the bproxygen command. For more information, see the chapter on generating proxies and Web service definitions in OpenEdge Development: Open Client Introduction and Programming.