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Internationalizing Applications
Deployment and Configuration : The PROMSGS file

The PROMSGS file

The PROMSGS file contains OpenEdge run-time messages in a particular language. Each PROMSGS file has a file extension named after the language and resides in a directory named after the language. For example, the Hungarian PROMSGS file, promsgs.hun, resides in the OpenEdge/prolang/hun directory, and the Japanese PROMSGS file, promsgs.jpn, resides in the OpenEdge/prolang/jpn directory.
OpenEdge supplies a PROMSGS file for each language it supports. When you package an international application, be sure to supply the PROMSGS files your customers need. When you configure an international application, you can tell OpenEdge which PROMSGS file to use by using one of the following techniques:
*By setting a value for PROMSGS in the [Startup] section of the progress.ini file
*By setting the PROMSGS environment variable
For more information on setting the PROMSGS environment variable, see Using SQL