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Internationalizing Applications
Using Multi-byte Code Pages : Issues specific to multi-byte code pages : Valid and invalid code-page conversions : Converting from double byte to double byte
Converting from double byte to double byte
If you apply the preceding rule to conversion from one double-byte code page to another, you conclude that a conversion is valid if the source code page is a subset of the target code page. The double-byte to double-byte conversions that appear in the following table are valid.
Table 17. Valid double-byte to double-byte code-page conversions
SHIFT-JIS and EUCJIS contain the same symbols
KSC5601 to CP949
KSC5601 is a subset of CP949
BIG-5 to CP950
BIG-5 is a subset of CP950
You cannot convert from CP949 to KSC5601, both code pages for Korean, because CP949 contains many characters that KSC5601 does not.