Converting an OpenEdge database to UTF-8 using the PROUTIL CONVCHAR utility
This section describes the steps to convert an OpenEdge database to UTF-8 using the PROUTIL CONVCHAR utility.
To convert an OpenEdge database to UTF-8 using the PROUTIL CONVCHAR utility:
Caution: Before you begin, back up your database.
1. Convert the database to UTF-8 using the following syntax:
proutil database-name -C convchar convert utf-8
2. Load the collation data definition (.df) file using the syntax for your specific operating system:
Windows syntax
UNIX syntax
For the UTF-8 BASIC collation, use the _tran.df collation data definition file. For an International Components for Unicode (ICU) collation, use one of the collation data definition files prefixed with "ICU" or "ICU_48" (such as ICU-cs.df used for Czech databases). For more information about character processing, see the README file in the directory OpenEdge/prolang.