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Internationalizing Applications
Using Databases : Converting a database and its data to a different code page

Converting a database and its data to a different code page

You can convert a database and its data from one code page (the source code page) to another code page (the target code page) if one or both of the following conditions are true:
*Every character that appears in the source code page appears in the target code page.
*Every character that appears in the database appears in the target code page.
You might want to convert a database and its data to a particular code page if the current code page does not contain characters that the application needs and that another code page contains. For example, code pages 1252 and ISO8859-15 contain characters that ISO8859-1 does not, as seen in Table .
Another reason to convert a database and its data to a particular code page is if the database's data comes exclusively from a device with that code page. For example, if an airline reservations database gets its data exclusively from a terminal that uses the ISO8859-1 code page, you might want to convert the database and its existing data to ISO8859-1.
To convert a database and its data to another code page, run the PROUTIL utility with the CONVCHAR CONVERT qualifier.


proutil dbname -C convchar convert new-codepage-name
The name of the database.
The name of the target code page.
For more information on code-page conversion, see UnderstandingCode Pages. For the complete syntax of the PROUTIL utility, see OpenEdge Data Management: Database Administration.