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Messaging and ESB
OpenEdge Applications in the Sonic Environment : OpenEdge Adapters for Sonic integration : OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ

OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ

The OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ makes it possible for Advanced Business Language (ABL) programmers, working with familiar ABL syntax and tools, to write applications that use JMS messaging to send messages to and receive messages from applications written in ABL or other languages. The OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ implements a robust ABL–JMS API that provides access to almost all JMS messaging methods and functions from OpenEdge client applications. GUI, character-based, AppServer, and WebSpeed applications on all platforms supported for OpenEdge clients can participate in exchanging JMS messages. The OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ converts OpenEdge AppServer protocol to Java Message Service (JMS) protocol and vice versa, enabling OpenEdge client applications to send and receive JMS messages in a SonicMQ environment.
An OpenEdge application written to take advantage of the ABL–JMS API can talk with another application without knowing whether it is an OpenEdge or a non-OpenEdge application. Java features are mapped to ABL; for example, Java Enumeration Objects map to comma-separated lists in ABL. In an ABL-to-ABL messaging situation, an application can package ABL data within standard messages, for example, to send a temp table or a ProDataSet.
The ABL–JMS API is strongly integrated with the ABL programming model and style. Applications use the ABL event model. ABL procedures represent the JMS connection, Session objects, and Message objects. The ABL programmer uses the methods in these objects for JMS message delivery, acknowledgment, and recovery. All objects are persistent procedures. The API supports the basic types of JMS messaging, Unified Domain, Point-to-Point (PTP) and Publish and Subscribe (Pub/Sub). OpenEdge applications can extend local publish and subscribe for distributed applications. For information on the OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ architecture, see OpenEdge Getting Started: Application and Integration Services.
* OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ configuration and management
* OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ operation
* License availability