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OpenEdge Applications in the Sonic Environment : OpenEdge Adapters for Sonic integration : Security considerations : BrokerConnect security
BrokerConnect security
BrokerConnect provides SSL-based security as the server to an OpenEdge client. Use of secure connections between an application and BrokerConnect requires that the following conditions be satisfied:
*BrokerConnect must be configured to accept SSL connections, and to provide an alias and password for access to the private key/digital certificate used to provide connections to the adapter. For this configuration task, you can use the Progress Explorer (in Windows only) or edit the file. For more information, see OpenEdge Application Server: Administration.
Note: You can use the mergeprop utility installed with OpenEdge to edit the file. For information on using mergeprop, see OpenEdge Getting Started: Installation and Configuration.
*The client must have access to a digital (public key) certificate that can authenticate with the digital certificate used by BrokerConnect (the server). For more information, see OpenEdge Getting Started: Core Business Services.
*The client application must use a secure protocol to connect to BrokerConnect. See the Managing connections and sessions for details on using SSL-based connection parameters.
In addition to functioning as a server to the OpenEdge client, BrokerConnect is also a client of the SonicMQ Broker. The security of communications between BrokerConnect and the SonicMQ Broker is managed through SonicMQ. For more information, refer to the SonicMQ documentation.