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OpenEdge Development: Basic Development Tools
Application Compiler : Startup parameters for Compiler behavior
Startup parameters for Compiler behavior
OpenEdge provides two startup parameters that may affect the way the source code is processed when you compile or check syntax: Compile Warning List (-cwl) and Keyword Forget List (-k). These options are briefly described here. For more information, see OpenEdge Deployment: Startup Command and Parameter Reference.
Compile Warning List (-cwl)
The Compile Warning List startup parameter specifies a set of ABL statements that trigger a warning message at compile time if they are found in the source code. The list can include any ABL statements you choose; it can be an effective way to discourage the use of deprecated statements. The occurrence of warnings does not prevent valid code from compiling.
Each warning appears in the following format:
The flagged_statement statement from the compile warning list was found in file file_name at line line_number.
If you see one or more such messages when you compile your code, click OK to continue, and if necessary, edit the code as appropriate.
Keyword Forget List (-k)
The Keyword Forget List startup parameter specifies a set of ABL keywords that the Compiler should not treat as keywords when processing the source code. This option allows you to avoid compilation errors that might otherwise occur if an upgraded version of OpenEdge introduces new keywords that are found in existing code as user-defined element names (such as tables, fields, frames, variables, streams, and so on).
If you encounter errors of this sort, you can use a Keyword Forget List to disable selected keywords, and thereby allow the code to compile, until you can remove those words from your application.