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Troubleshooting Resources : Log Entry Types Detail : Ignored operation logging

Ignored operation logging

Specifying the ignored operation (IgnoredOps) log entry type turns on logging of the names and code locations of all window attributes or methods that the AVM ignores on embedded ABL windows. This log entry type has only one logging level, 2 (Basic).
When you embed an ABL window in a .NET control container, many of the window attributes and methods have no function in the .NET environment. ABL ignores any access that you make to these attributes and methods, and this log entry type allows you to identify where you might be using these ignored window elements in your code.
Examples of ignored operations include setting the MAXIMUM-WIDTH attribute and executing the MOVE TO TOP method. For more information about operations that the AVM ignores when they occur in the context of an embedded window, see the EmbeddedWindow property reference entry in OpenEdge Development: ABL Reference.
For each ignored operation, OpenEdge logs the source file name, the line number, and the name of the attribute or method, as shown in the following example:

[08/03/20@11:12:03.737-0400] P-006124 T-005700 2 4GL IGNOREDOPS (Procedure: 'KeepOnTop testwin.w' Line:646) Attribute/Method ALWAYS ON TOP ignored for embedded window
Note: It is not always possible for the AVM to distinguish between an attribute and a method. Therefore, the log entry specifies "Attribute/Method" as shown in the preceding example.
To create log entries for ignored operations, use the Log Entry Types (-logentrytypes) startup parameter:

-logentrytypes IgnoredOps
You can also turn on this logging at run time, by using the LOG-MANAGER system handle. For example, you can include the following line in the ABL code:

You can turn off this logging in the ABL application by resetting the attribute. For example: