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Debugging and Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Resources : Log Entry Types Detail : Query information logging : Query plan : Identifying indices
Identifying indices
Query information logging identifies single and multiple index brackets used by the query engine for FOR and PRESELECT statements. It also identifies indices for dynamic and static queries that use multiple index brackets. Selected indices will display in a comma-separated list in the Query Plan.
Note: When using dataservers, the logged index behavior may not accurately reflect the indices used to resolve the query against the non-OpenEdge database. For more information, see OpenEdge Getting Started: Database Essentials.
For the following FOR EACH statement:

FOR EACH invoice
WHERE ((invoice.ordernum >= 102) AND
          (invoice.custnum >= 28 AND invoice.custnum <= 30) AND
          (invoice.invoicenum > 100 AND invoice.invoicenum <= 105)) OR
        ((invoice.ordernum > 118 AND invoice.ordernum <= 119) AND           (invoice.custnum = 46) AND (invoice.invoicenum > 115 AND           (invoice.invoicenum < 120)) OR
          (invoicenum = 136)
Query information logging produces the following Query Plan:

Query Plan: C:\work\100a\qitest.p line 1
QueryId: 0xec091c
Type: FOR Statement
Client Sort: N
Scrolling: N
Table: sports2000.Invoice
Indexes: InvoiceNum,CustNum