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Debugging and Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Resources : Log Entry Types Detail : Event logging : Event log entry types and logging levels
Event log entry types and logging levels
You enable event logging with any of three log entry types. Using three different entry types gives you greater control over what and when information is logged. The following table lists the events that are logged and the logging levels supported for each entry type.
Table 42. Events logged by log entry type
Log entry type
Information logged
Turns on logging of keystroke events for printable characters. Logged at level 2 (Basic) and higher.
Turns on logging of keystroke events for nonprintable characters:
*FN keys
*CTRL, SHIFT, ALT and their combinations
And Windows GUI events (WM events).Level 2 (Basic) logs nonprintable keystrokes and this subset of WM GUI events:
*Developer Events U1-U10
Level 3 (Verbose) logs nonprintable keystrokes and all WM GUI events.
Turns on logging of COM, Async, and Socket events. Logged at level 2 (Basic) and higher.OpenEdge logs no PUSH and POP entries for COM events. At levels 2 and 3, OpenEdge logs COM events only when the application defines a trigger for the event, on the assumption that you are interested only in events for which you have written a trigger. At level 4 (Extended), OpenEdge logs all COM events.