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Troubleshooting Resources : Logging in OpenEdge : Logging infrastructure overview : DSLOG-MANAGER system handle attributes and methods
DSLOG-MANAGER system handle attributes and methods
The DSLOG-MANAGER system handle attributes and methods provide a limited set of capabilities to access the logging settings for the DataServer’s server context.
Note: The DSLOG-MANAGER is implemented for the DataServer for MS SQL Server and the DataServer for Oracle. For runtime access to logging setting for the DataServer’s client context, use the LOG-MANAGER system handle from the current ABL runtime session as described in the previous section.
A user can have a valid LOG-MANAGER and DSLOG-MANAGER system handle at the same time in an OpenEdge application since they control different log contexts. The LOG-MANAGER manages the client (or server, in the case of AppServer/WebSpeed) log file and settings which are global to any given ABL process. For DataServers, each connection to a DataServer is its own entity. For instance, you may have 2 MS SQL Server databases connected (or of other types, such as ORACLE) and each connection works independent of the other. Each DataServer connection is a different server context and may have different logging settings. In order to support the runtime management of log settings for each connected database independently, the DSLOG-MANAGER provides the DB-CONTEXT attribute. By default, it is the unknown value which disassociates the system handle with any particular connection. The user can set the system handle to the logical database name (or alias name) of an existing connection in order to apply log settings. At another time, the user can change the DB-CONTEXT attribute back to the unknown value or to the logical database name (or alias) of another existing connection in order to modify settings for that alternative connection.
Note: The supported DB-TYPES for the DSLOG-MANAGER system handle are MSS and ORACLE. If the database does not have the correct type, or is not connected, or has an invalid value, an error is raised by the system handle.
The following table lists the function of each DSLOG-MANAGER system handle attribute.
Table 24. DSLOG-MANAGER system handle attributes

Attribute should be set with the name of a valid and connected logical database name of a supported db-type before any of the other attributes and method of DSLOG-MANAGER can be accessed. You can also set it to the alias of a connected database. Default value is the unknown value. When you read the DB-CONTEXT attribute, it returns the same value as it was set to unless you specify a database alias, in which case it returns the logical name of the database assigned to the alias at the time the attribute was set.

Returns a character string containing a comma-separated list of all valid entry types for the current OpenEdge environment.

Specifies a comma-separated list of one or more types of log entries to write to the log file.

Specifies the name of log file OpenEdge uses to log messages and ABL stack trace information. LOGFILE-NAME is read-only because the DataServer cannot currently work without a log file opened. This disallows the changing of the log file at runtime and avoids the risk of having no log file opened if the file open on a ‘new’ log file should fail.

Specifies the level at which log entries are written to the log file.

Returns the file size threshold of log files. When the current log file becomes equal to or greater than the specified size, OpenEdge renames and saves the log file and creates a new log file.
Returns the number of rolled over log files to keep on disk at any one time, for OpenEdge session, including the current log file.
Returns the type of handle (for all system handles, "PSEUDO-WIDGET").
The following table lists the function of each DSLOG-MANAGER system handle method.
Table 25. DSLOG-MANAGER system handle methods

Clears all messages existing in the current client log file and leaves the file open for writing

Writes user messages to the current log file
Note: The CLOSE-LOG( ) is not a supported DSLOG-MANAGER system handle method. You cannot execute the CLOSE-LOG( ) method unless there is only one brokered DataServer server spawned by the Unified Broker or by ProBroker.
For more information on the DSLOG-MANAGER system handle or its attributes and methods, see the DSLOG-MANAGER system handle reference entry in the OpenEdge Data Management: DataServer for Microsoft SQL Server, and OpenEdge Data Management: DataServer for Oracle.