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Database Menu Reference : Reports option : Auditing Reports option : OpenEdge Auditing Report Options dialog box
OpenEdge Auditing Report Options dialog box
The OpenEdge Auditing Report Options dialog box allows you to set display characteristics for your auditing report. The OpenEdge Auditing Report Options dialog box appears, and contains the following fields:
*Send Output to — Choose the output destination from the radio set: Terminal, File (XML), or File (Text).
*File Name — If File (XML) or File (Text) is the selected output destination, enter a file name for the report or browse for a file using Files.
*Append to Existing File — Select to append an existing file. If you do not select the append option, an existing file may be overwritten.
*Page Length — Enter a number. Zero (0) creates continuous output with no line breaks. The default is 60 lines per printed page. The default for a terminal is the number of lines displayed on the screen.
*Orientation — Select the report's orientation: Detail or Summary. Select Detail if you want details for each of the report's entries. Select Summary if you only want to print summary information.