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Basic Database Tools
Database Tasks : Creating a database

Creating a database

There are many ways to create an OpenEdge database. For a complete discussion about database creation, see OpenEdge Data Management: Database Administration.
To create a database using the Data Dictionary:
1. Choose Database > Create. The Create Database dialog box appears.
2. Enter the name of the new database.
3. Specify whether you want to create an empty database, a copy of the SPORTS database, a copy of the SPORTS2000 database, or a copy of an existing database.
4. Select Replace If Exists to specify whether you want to overwrite an existing database with the same name.
Note: If you do not choose the Replace If Exists button, and a database already exists with the same name, the Data Dictionary returns an error.
5. Select New Instance if you are making a copy of a database and want the Data Dictionary to create a unique DB identifier for the copied database.
If you do not select New Instance, the Data Dictionary assigns the source database's DB Identifier to the copy.
Note: If you want to create a copy of a database for backup purposes, do not select New Instance. If, however, the copy is of an audit-enabled database and will continue to store new audit data, select New Instance. All audit-enabled databases need unique DB Identifiers. For more information about audit-enabled databases, see OpenEdge Getting Started: Core Business Services - Security and Auditing.
If no database with that name exists, the Data Dictionary creates the database, or if one does and you chose the Replace If Exists button, the Data Dictionary overwrites the existing database and the Database Connect dialog box appears. Define the database attributes, as described in Connectingto a database, then choose OK.
If more than one database is connected, the Select Working Database dialog box appears. After you select a working database, the Data Dictionary main window reappears.