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Basic Database Tools
Admin Menu Reference : Load Data and Definitions option : Table Contents (.d file) option

Table Contents (.d file) option

Choose this option to load table contents. The Data Dictionary alphabetically lists all the tables defined for your database.
Note: The .d file may exceed 2GB on platforms where the ABL client supports large files.
After you select the table or tables, the Data Dictionary opens the Load Data Contents for Some Tables dialog box, as shown in the following figure:
Figure 43. Load Data Contents for Some Tables dialog box
The Load Data Contents for Some Tables dialog box contains the following fields:
*Input Directory — If you load table contents for a single table, the Data Dictionary displays a default name for the file from which you can load your table contents. This default file is always the name of the table dump file, usually the table name with a .d extension.
When you load the contents of more than one table, the Data Dictionary prompts you for a directory from which it loads the contents files. If you do not specify a directory, the Data Dictionary loads the files from the current directory. The Data Dictionary loads each table from the corresponding table-name.d file.
*Include LOB — The Data Dictionary provides the option of specifying an LOB directory.
*LOB Directory — If you select yes in the Include LOB field, you must specify the name of the LOB directory.
*Acceptable Error Percentage — The Data Dictionary prompts you for an acceptable error rate. As the Data Dictionary loads records from any files you designate, it might encounter data that cannot be loaded. For example, a record might have data that would cause a duplicate value to be stored for a unique key field. The Data Dictionary does not load the record. If you specify an error rate of 10 percent, the Data Dictionary must successfully load 90 records from every set of 100 records loaded. If the error rate exceeds the specified rate, the Data Dictionary terminates the load. The Data Dictionary places bad records in the table-name.e file.
*Output Errors to Screen — The Data Dictionary provides you with the option to display error messages to your screen.
Note: You can move and reorganize data by performing a binary dump and load. The binary method improves the dump and load performance significantly because the data remains in binary format during the process. For more information about performing a binary dump and load, see Database Tasks.
If your database is enabled for multi-tenancy, you can load data contents on a per-tenant basis. The Load Data Contents for Some Tables dialog box is modified as shown in the following figure:
Figure 44. Load Data Contents for Some Tables (multi-tenant)
When your database is enabled for multi-tenancy, Load Data Contents for Some Tables dialog box contains the following fields:
*Effective Tenant — Specifies the tenant of the data. Enter a name or choose Select Tenant to select a tenant from a list.
*Use Default Location — Check box to indicate that the data to be loaded is located in subdirectories based on the identified default location.
*Shared Directory — If you are loading both shared and multi-tenant tables, enter a directory name where the contents of shared tables is located.
*Tenant Directory — Enabled if you did not specify Use Default Location, enter the directory where the tenant data is located.
*Include LOB — Check to load LOB data.
*Tenant LOB Directory — If you select yes in the Include LOB field, and you are not using the default location, you must specify the name of the LOB directory.