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Debugging and Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Resources : Log Entry Types Detail : Web Services Adapter (WSA) and Web Service logging : WSA Log entry types
WSA Log entry types
The WSA instance logs error messages in the instance-name.wsa.log file. This file resides in your OpenEdge working directory. Following are the WSA log entry types and the information they provide based on logging level:
*4GLProvider4GLProvider logs messages about locating the deployed Progress service and then invoking it. This includes any verification that the service can execute the deployed AppServer procedure. Level 2 (Basic) logs information if there is any error is in the SOAP request execution. Level 3 (Verbose) logs errors in the SOAP request. Level 4 (Extended) logs information that can be used for debugging, like creating a new ProcAppObject or SubAppObject, method return parameters, and release of Object ID.
*ActionalActional logs messages about creating client interaction and SOAP payloads for WSA. Level 2 (Basic) logs information about the required parameters for the WSDL document listings, WSDL authorization, and the invalid provider type. Level 2 (Extended) logs information about fault messages and raw SOAP responses.Level 4 (Extended) logs information that can be used for debugging, like creation of new ProcAppObject or SubAppObject, method return parameters, release of Object ID, and such related information.
*AdminProviderAdminProvider logs information related to runtime properties and statistical information while managing a deployed WSA. Level 2 (Basic) logs the name of the deployed WSA, the ID of the un-deployed WSA, information about the WSA deployment, and the resetting of the runtime statistics for the WSA. Level 3 (Verbose) logs information related to the application initialization such as runtime properties, application descriptors, deployment descriptors, and pool managers. It also registers information related to error during SOAP request initialization and execution, and runtime statistics of the WSA. Level 4 (Extended) logs information about error during SOAP request initialization and execution.
*BrokerClientBrokerClient maintains logs information related to AppServer connections and remote request communications context information for the construction of a component logging environment. Level 2 (Basic) logs information about the ubroker client.
*DynamicApiDynamicApi logs information related to the marshalling and unmarshalling of remote procedure parameters supplied by the 4GLProvider and passed by the BrokerCleint objects to the AppServer to send and receive data from the ABL server. Level 4 (Extended) logs basic error information about a broker reference of a client for the ABL server connection.
*MsgDebugMsgDebug logs information related to the HTTP request to the WSA servlet. Level 3 (Verbose) logs information related to the servlet request parameters. Level 4 (Extended) logs information related to the address of the client request to the WSA servlet, and the SOAP request and response. For tracking a specific WSA client IP addresses user must set the debugClients property appropriately in the file.
*PoolMgmtPoolMgmt logs information related to the management of the BrokerClient session pool. Level 4 (Extended) logs information related to the session pool reference for WSAAppObjects, WSASubAppObjects, and WSAProcObjects. This also logs information related to the cleaning up of the bad sessions from the session pool.
*Properties — MsgDebug logs information related to the initialization parameters in the web.xml file, properties in file, Actional settings, and other optional properties. Level 3 (Verbose) logs the following information:
Table 44. Information logged for each type of action
Actional settings
Optional properties
*PoolMgmtRefCounts logs information related to the connection reference count. The level 4 (Extended) logs the connection references count for a particular session ID.
*RunProcsRunProcs logs information related to the running of an external procedure. The level 4 (Extended) logs the name of an external procedure invoked by a client request.
*RunProcs RunProcs logs information related to the running of an external procedure. The level 4 (Extended) logs the name of an external procedure invoked by a client request.
*SessionPoolSessionPool logs information related to the management of the session pool. The level 4 (Extended) logs information related to the cleaning up of the bad sessions from the session pool.
*SOAPProcSOAPProc provides information about the SOAP request and response.Level 2 (Basic) logs information about the corrupt web application and the errors while locating a service provider. Level 3 (Verbose) logs information related to errors related to unmarshalling of SOAP method parameters, SOAP envelope, and SOAP body, locating the WSA, the SOAP request initialization and execution, availability of a service, and the failed authentication to the service. Level 4 (Extended) logs the complete stacks trace if the Progress level logging is turned on. This might cause duplication of the log file.
*WSAWSA provides information about the processing of SOAP RPC request from an HTTP client.Level 2 (Basic) logs information related to the HTTP request status and the user's access to a particular service.Level 3 (Verbose) logs information related to the WSA request ID, the WSA initialization parameters, the absolute directory path for the WSA instance, the status of the WSA registry, the XML parsing errors, user's access to a particular service, and the errors in SOAP parameters.Level 4 (Extended) logs information related to validation of users and their roles to access the WSA, and the WSA administrator access to the undefined methods.
*WSAObjectWSAObject logs information related to the management of the session pool reference. Level 4 (Extended) logs information about the creation of new sessions, adding a new session reference to the session pool, deleting a session reference from the session pool, disconnecting the connection to the server, external non-persistent procedure calls through the session pool reference, the count of the connection references in the session pool, and the cleaning up of a bad session from the session pool.
*WSAObjPoolWSAObjPool logs information related to the proxy session pool. The level 4 (Extended) logs information about the proxy session pool, the proxy objects, the AppObject, SubAppObject, and ProcObject.
*WSDLDocWSDLDoc provides information regarding the request for WSDL document through SOAP engine. The level 2 (Basic) logs information on whether the method call has the correct parameters passed. The level 3 (Verbose) logs information related to conditions to get the WSDL document access through the SOAP engine. The conditions include whether SOAP engine is running, the access to the WSDL document is enabled, and whether the users have the required authorization and authentication. The level 4 (Extended) logs information about error during WSDL document retrieval. It also logs the complete stack trace if the Progress level logging is turned on. This might cause duplication of the log file.
The WSADefault log entry type provides server-related messages for a single WSA instance based on the following logging levels:
*WSADefault — WSADefault Logs processing requests and very severe errors. Use Level 2 in a production environment. Level 3 (Verbose) logs general access problems, startup property values, user authorization errors, request IDs, HTTP error responses, and WSDL retrieval errors. Use Level 3 in a development environment. Level 4 (Extended) Logs HTTP and SOAP requests and responses. Use Level 4 to debug.
Note: During production, scan the background event counters looking for errors. Raise the logging level to 3 or 4 to evaluate the errors and determine the problem. When the problem is resolved, return the logging level to 2.