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Debugging and Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Resources : Other Diagnostics Resources : Run-time diagnostics : Analyzing ABL code : STARTUP-PARAMETERS attribute of the SESSION system handle
STARTUP-PARAMETERS attribute of the SESSION system handle
Use the STARTUP-PARAMETERS attribute of the SESSION system handle to obtain a comma-separated list of all startup parameters specified for the current OpenEdge session. The character string returned includes startup parameters from the following potential sources:
*Default startup parameter file ($DLC/
*File specified by the $PROSTARTUP environment variable
*Startup parameters specified on the command line
*Startup parameters specified in a parameter file (.pf)
The following example shows the STARTUP-PARAMETERS attribute output generated by executing execlog.p. (See also Run-timediagnostics.)


-pf C:\Progress\OpenEdge\,-cpinternal ISO8859-1,-cpstream
ISO8859-1,-cpcoll Basic,-cpcase Basic,-d mdy,-numsep 44,-numdec 46,
(end .pf),-db sports,-1
See OpenEdge Development: ABL Reference for detailed information on the STARTUP-PARAMETERS attribute.