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Debugging and Troubleshooting
OpenEdge Debugger : Starting and Stopping the Debugger : Debugging from alert dialog boxes : Starting the Debugger from the Stack Trace dialog box
Starting the Debugger from the Stack Trace dialog box
To start the Debugger from the Stack Trace dialog box:
1. In the Alert dialog box, click Help to open the Stack Trace dialog box.
Note: You must enable debugging in Prowin32 on Windows or from a UNIX shell before you click Debug in the Stack Trace dialog box. If debugging is not enabled, the system raises an error and it does not allow you to debug the code.
2. Click Debug in the Stack Trace dialog box. The Stack Trace dialog box is closed.
3. The original error Alert dialog box must be dismissed by clicking OK before the Debugger gets control. The Debugger will show the current statement as the line that will execute next after the error is handled.
Note: You cannot use the Debugger if the original error stops the application.